Photo by Lu Wenyu
Rancangan kampus ini merupakan sebuah awal reformasi. Karya arsitek Wang Shu (amateur architecture studio) Temanya di atur oleh budaya konstruksi dan kontinyuitas, pembuatan taman,
pembangunan, diferensiasi, penggunaan kembali material bekas.
Pada kenyataannya ruang terbuka ‘courtyard’ tradisional dapat dirancang
untuk mengakomodir hampir semua fungsi fungsi yang ada. Yang menjadi acuan
adalah courtyard / ruang terbuka dengan tipologi bebas, yang berhubungan dengan
tradisi , ruang gigantic, serta ruang fungsional dari bangunan ini. Pada
chinese karaketr “y” bangunan dan alam menempati setengah dari ruang. miring
memutar, dan balik terjadi di lokasi, liku bangunan dan mengubah sesuai,
sehingga menentukan keseragaman dan variasi pada waktu yang sama. Ini adalah
sikap yang simbolik merepresentasikan akar dari sekolah ini pada lingkungan
sekitarnya. Konsep bebas ini tidak hanya tentang bentuk-bentuk arsitektural
tetapi sebuah respon yang sensitive pada alam. Sebuah koleksi besar, lebih dari dua juta keeping
lantai yang berbeda-beda umur dan ukurannya, yang diselamatkan dari rumah-rumah
tradisional yang dihancurkan dari seluruh profinsi Zhejiang, menutupi seluruh
atap kampus ini. Proyek ini terlihat sangat tajam dan kontras dibandingkan
dengan kecepatan dan konstruksi masa terkini.
The design for this campus is considered as a start of a reform. The
choice of themes is directed by traditional construction culture and its
continuation: Garden making, construction, differentiation, material
recycling and reuse. The Chinese character of “ ªÿ” [enclose] is the
theme of the series, which forms the layout of “ ”™“ [create, compose,
shape, form, construct].
Photo by Lu Wenyu |
In fact, the simple “court” of traditional China can be made to
accommodate nearly all functions. What is attempted here is a
“court”-based free typology, related to both, the tradition and more
importantly, the gigantic space and functional requirement of this
building. In the character of “ ªÿ” building and nature occupy half of
the space. As the sloping, twisting, and turning occurs on the site, the
building twists and transforms accordingly, thus addresses uniformity
and variation at the same time.
Photo by Lu Wenyu 1 |
This is a symbolic gesture representing the rooting of the school in
the surrounding. An important aspect of the design is the “free”
concept. This “free” concept is not just about its architectural forms,
but its sensitive response to the nature. The structures are usually
similar or identical to each other, but its variations are created by
the relationship with the site.
A large collection of over two millions pieces of tiles of different
ages and sizes, salvaged from the traditional houses demolished all over
the province of Zhejiang, will cover the roofs of the campus
architecture. In sharp contrast to the fast and mass construction
concept of today, the concept seeks to embody another philosophy.
Photo by Lu Wenyu |
CGZ Siteplan | |
Floor plan, elevation and section 1 |
Project location: Zhuantang Town, Hangzhou City, China
Site Area: 200 mu [one mu = 666,66 sqm]
Project size: 67.000 sqm
composed of ten buildings, including a library, a gallery, a small
stadium, a workshop tower, six academic and workshop buildings, two
traditional style bridges cross the river, two hillside art studio.
Architect: WANG Shu, LU Wenyu
Firm: Ye-Yu Architectural Design Studio/CAA
Firm in Cooperation: CCA/Landscape Design Company
Design Period: 3/2002 – 3/2003
Construction Period: 5/2003 – 12/2004
Structure type: Reinforced concrete frame + steel frame
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