Sebuah kolaborasi Internasional antara MVRDV (Rotterdam), Jerde Partnership(Los Angeles), dan ARUP (Dublin) diwujudkan dalam sebuah kompetisi pada site di Paletehan, Peruri 88, Jakarta, karya ini dimotori oleh Wijaya Karya dan Benhill property, menciptakan sebuah mixed use baru berupa tower apartemen dan office setinggi 88 lantai, property ini merupakan gabungan antara entertinment, hotel, office maupun retail. Proyek ini merupakan kompetisi tertutup yang baru saja dilaksanakan pertanggal 4 November lalu. Jika proyek ini jadi terpilih tentu saja Jakarta akan mulai dipetakan pada peta arsitektur dunia.
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JAKARTA, INDONESIA — An international design team made up of MVRDV of Rotterdam, The Jerde Partnership, Inc. of Los Angeles, and ARUP (Dublin), together with developer Wijaya Karya - Benhil Property, have collaborated to create Peruri 88 – a new landmark icon for the people of Jakarta. The team recently presented the plans to owner Peruri as part of a developer’s bid competition for the prominent site at Jl. Palatehan 4 Jakarta on November 2, 2012.
Peruri 88 is approximately a 360,000 square-meter 88-story high rise mixed-use district in the heart of Jakarta’s capitol region. MVRDV and Jerde are the project’s design architects, while ARUP provided structural engineering consultation. Designed to be the grandeur of Peruri and Indonesia, Peruri 88 combines residential, hotel, office, retail and entertainment uses and is envisioned as a modern iconic and active public gathering place for the city.
MVRDV designed the high rise tower that will house residential, office and hotel to become the most prominent building in Jakarta’s evolving downtown. “Peruri’s soaring Tower (Vertical Jakarta) represents a new, denser, social, green mini-city – a monument to the development of Jakarta as a modern icon literally raised from its own city fabric,” says Winy Maas, MVRDV Founder.
The Jerde-designed Peruri commercial podium reflects the city’s historic island existence with reflective bodies of water and landscape traversing the public street levels, while integrating a striking sunken garden plaza. “Our inspiration for the commercial podium and public spaces was the island’s natural setting -- lush jungle and stone surrounded by expansive ocean,” says David Rogers, FAIA, Jerde Design Director.