Saturday, December 3, 2022

Dancing Tower Hotel by Budi Pradono

Dancing tower hotel 

Questioning the status quo of the building.

In big cities throughout the world's metropolises there is a tendency to make typical floors so that they are easy to extrude it. 

What happens is the generic facade, generic floor plan, generic window, this is the mantra of the international style followed by capitalism. 

these things have created the same architectural language "international style" which presents uniformity in all major cities in the world whether in New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo, San Francisco, Jakarta or Bandung. Generally in the form of a stupid box wrapped in glass. This has lost the identity of a place. Because there is a similarity in architectural language

The question is How to bring the new spirit. How to dismantle the stability of the box building without hurting it? This project tries to question the status quo of modernism.

Response to the urban fabric

Since the location of the hotel tower is very strategic, on Jalan Aceh. Besides being close to government buildings, this project is also close to shopping areas, especially clothing stores that sell various brands from around the world. Lots of factory outlets around the site. The city of Bandung is indeed known as a very developed city for the clothing industry which produces world brands such as Zara, Louis Vitton, Gucci and others. 

The site is only 1000 sq meters and surrounded by several buildings. One of the sides is the another 4 star Hotel next to it which was founded in the 90s, and only had a rigid hexagon shape like concrete with aluminum checkered windows which was the trend at that time. then behind it is a massive shopping mall, 

the problem is how this building responds to current and future urban conditions. we try to do an urbanity analysis and we know that almost all the commercial buildings in the vicinity, have a similar approach that is that they place their building mass in the center of the site. Responding to this condition, the dancing hotel has implemented a strategy to fragment the building mass, so that it appears to consist of 2 small masses. With the condition of marrying these 2 small masses, there are actually implications for building physics where the natural ventilation aspect can continue from the north to the south. so with this capital, it is hoped that the air conditioner will only be used in certain areas, especially the rooms, the rest will use natural ventilation.

Reading the history of Bandung

Remembering Bandung in 1928-1930 when the economic crisis in Europe hit and caused the aspirations of the Dutch East Indies to make Bandung as the new capital to replace Batavia fail miserably. Even though there were many architects from Europe who were designing many government buildings and elite housing at that time. Art deco style had in Bandung. This is a fundamental question for architects who have a specific site not far from a historical area to issue a proposal that answers today's challenges. Where the precast technology offers a variety of possibilities. Architects must have the courage to deconstruct the existing order.

Building facade

How to determine the facade of the building? Of course, the fundamental question is whether I should follow the old style, or should I follow the tradition of regionalism or minimalism? I feel that it is very important to build a new character in 2018, especially how to respond to the surrounding buildings. Indeed the response chosen is a form of the opposite. this means as an argument that this new character is also a representation of criticism of urbanity.

At the same time providing space for precast concrete technology. Provides flexibility for tilted glass.

Why do you have to dance?

The dancing form composition offers a dynamic building that gives color to the rigid fabric landscape. Dancing hotel is also a re-interpretation of traditional Jaipong dance which was banned by the government during the New Order government. ( during Soeharto’s period 1965-1998) This dance, which is sexy because it moves your hips and buttocks, is considered not according to Muslim norms. But we see this dance is very local and very popular among the common people. So that it should be appointed as a new force against the international style.


The next question is; that there is a massive and generic phenomenon of hotel and apartment construction. this causes a lack of innovation because almost all of them use standard sizes. That's why we're back to questioning the wall. what if the walls were tilted so that it would give the space a very unique quality. The second is the window, does it have to be generic, square shaped and all the same? This sloping wall uses stopsol glass material where it will reduce lighting from the outside. On the other hand, at night, this stopsol glass functions like a mirror, so the room looks spacious. By tilting the concrete wall and creating a new glass diamond shape, this is my attempt as an architect to deconstruct the facade concept.

Interiors of the building

In the interior of the room, all materials are reduced so that we find the most basic ones, for example a wardrobe with only clothes hangers left. The other cupboards are just shelves. So that on the one hand you get a maximalist space but also reduce the furniture. The overall interior concept is super exposed where all the pipes are visible from the outside. on this side we can anticipate piping problems. This is also a way of thinking that dismantles the establishment, in general, hotels are always covered with a smooth facial finish with a large cupboard, but actually for travelers we don't need a wardrobe, because this hotel is designed as a 4-star business hotel

Programming Strategy

In designing this hotel, it is very important to do programming calculations for the whole area. so from this spatial analysis, we determine the semi-outdoor cafe is on the front side so that it can accommodate pedestrians. then we put the fitness area, bar, cafe and swimming in the top floor area. 

This is one of the programming strategies that will distribute visitors to stay on the groundfloor and at the rooftop. 

multi programming aimed at the public split into two. At the very top and at the bottom. This gives the distribution of humans below and above. By placing

swimming pool and bar in the roof top area as well as cafe and meeting room in the lower area make the middle side of the hotel rooms very private and exclusive.

Green building strategy

How to provide a green concept in this building? Strategy splits the building mass in two and keep the corridors open and allows the wind to continuously pass through

The corridors in between the building so that the AC unit is only used in closed spaces such as private rooms and meeting rooms so it will cut 40 percent of AC and electricity consumption.

A large tree as high as 8 m was planted soaring on the first floor and allowed to grow upwards, giving a strong symbol that this building is in a tropical country.

To get around the volume of space, the floor-to-floor height is made 4 meters. This volume gives the wide breadth of space in

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Rumah Miring, sebuah konsep anti kemapanan


Dari Gambar di atas merupakan cuplikan pada halaman penting yang menggambarkan bagaimana Le Corbusier pada tahun 1929 sudah mencanangkan definisi arsitektur moderen yang menentang segala bentuk dekorasi, dimana bentuk bentuk yang di coret oleh Le corbusier adalah bentuk bentuk yang sangat getol digunakan di dalam kluster kluster rumah mewah di Indonesa, dalam konteks model model rumah moderen di sekitar Pondok Indah.

Rumah Miring dalam buku Clay City oleh Budi Pradono cetakan pertama tahun 2015


Rumah Miring

Ini merupakan cuplikan Bab 5 tentang Rumah Miring bagian dari buku Clay City karya Budi Pradono
yang di terbitkan oleh bpa.publishing ISBN : 978-602-14615-7-0

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Musk House, sebuah rumah di planet Mars oleh Budi Pradono


Musk House,

Ini adalah sebuh konsep rumah di Mars, Bagaimana jika kita dapat mengatasi ketersediaan oksigen, dan salah satu strategy untuk mereduksi sinar ultraviolet yang panas dengan cara membangunnya di dalam planet dibawah tanah merah ... lalu kita bisa membuat seluruh dinding nya dari tanah yang dibuat dengan metode 3D print .... 

Musk House What if in the wilderness there was a mountain with a dry savanna just like in Mars? Is it possible we can create a house that is buried under the ground? Or we dig it like a well? People will be able to enjoy the silence as well as the beauty of the layers of soil that are visible on the walls. So I thought that in mars with several conditions. First for all, it should be made underground as thermal insulation, just like in the dessert All wall made of 3d printed material just look like Clay. And We will feel how peaceful it is without the noise of the metropolitan city. This is a way for us contemplate and have a healthy self-quarantine I believe the post pandemic era civilization of new normal will be change We also need to provide space under the swimming pool since the water can be a shield again radiation. Of course, we should solve the breathable air and ready to use water. It should be covered with a kind of dome to keep the pressure. budi pradono architects / ESCAPE 0.2 : a post pandemic, a new way of living budipradono architects is a research based architecture & urbanism studio focusing on contemporary lifestyle, hospitality and urban design. with in-depth research as the basis of each of our design, we always respond to any changes that occur in nature and life into our architecture. ESCAPE 0.2 by budi pradono Our research is about understanding the post pandemic living space which has impacted the change of human in relationship with nature. As our digital society living on new digital life, we found the new possibility to create a new digital house. A new way of living that has a big impact on spaces as a response of human daily activities, the sensitivity of the human body to the quality of the nature, air circulation, space, & lighting “The pandemic has brought home the way in which our living environments can be disrupted,” In this 2021 NYCxDESIGN we developed four houses as translation of this new way of living in our post-pandemic digital society that highlighted the importance of living not only within walking or cycling distance of a green area but also on another space digitally. The concept we proposed is a new home, a kind of digital villa which people can enjoy digitally as an post pandemic escape . Virtually people can visit and enter the villa and the surrounding nature wherever we imagine, on the mountains, in the jungle, underwater or even on Mars where we can view Jupiter while enjoying coffee break. We can keep our distance while still doing our activities from wherever we are. I want to provide a new experience of how people live close to nature but at the same time enjoy the artistic villa beyond their standard of living in big cities Our proposed contemporary digital villas & remote working arrangements have opened up new opportunities for people to try out living in new countryside or in other places such as underwater or even in other planet without having to leave their places Learn more at : Public Lecture : ESCAPE 0.2 by budi pradono November 18, 2021 at 09.00 AM (New York) 09.00 PM (Jakarta) 03.00 PM (Prague) 11.00 PM (Tokyo) Register to join (free) : Visit our instagram : for further detail please send your curiosity to: #elonmusk #mars #metaverse #budipradono #futurearchitecture #houseinmars #elon #xspace #xspacecivilization #nft #nftarchitecture #muskhouse #elonmuskhouse #nftart #nftcommunity

Konsep Perancangan Istana Wakil Presiden RI di IKN



Komplek Istana wapres merupakan salah satu symbol negara yang paling penting, sebuah representasi simbol eksekutif negara di dalam konsep trias politica. Bangunan komplek istana wakil presiden secara pola tata kawasan merespon penempatan dari istana presiden di daerah KIPP ibu kota Nusantara, sehingga secara pola tata bangunan antara bangunan presiden dan wakil presiden seperti berkomunikasi satu sama lainnya dan terkait secara aksial melalui imajiner linier. 

Sebagai sebuah symbol, kawasan istana presiden menjadi elemen penting sebagai landmark atau tetenger yang mencerminkan Negara dan Ibu Kota Negara.  Wakil Presiden sebagai sebuah symbol negara seperti presiden merupakan representasi dari negara, dengan kewibawaan memimpin dan ketegasan. 

Konsep perencanaan komplek istana wakil presiden, merupakan representasi dari kewibawaan dan keteguhan, Dwiarya symbol ketegasan orang tertinggi kedua dari Republik ini, sosok simbolis negara sebagai representative desain komplek istana wakil Presiden. Komplek bangunan harus tegas dan berwibawa, sebagai sebuah wibawa bangsa, menjadi Dwiarya Wibawa bagi negara dan masyarakat Indonesia.


Kompleks Istana wakil presiden ini secara zonasi dibagi menjadi 5 bagian. Bagian pertama adalah istana yang ditempatkan puncak paling tertinggi, lalu ada hutan konservasi, hutan konservasi ini merupakan sisi timur kawarasan dimana kondisi kontur yang curam sehingga kita merekomendasikan area ini dipertahankan lalu ada kompleks Gedung kesekretariatan lalu kompleks Gedung wakil presiden dan ada komplek rumah kediaman wakil presiden berada disisi utara barat laut, setiap kompleks bangunan ini memiliki akses tersendiri. Khusus bangunan pendukung pas pampers berbentuk melengkung setengah lingkaran mengikuti bentuk istana presiden yang bulat dan karena kompleks pas pampers ini sangat krusial berada ditengah dan memiliki akses keseluruh bagian dari kompleks yang ada disini termasuk landasan helicopter.


Bangunan wapres ini merupakan bangunan untuk pertemuan-pertemuan kenegaraan. Bangunannya memiliki ide dasar berbentuk oval yang memiliki simplifikasi bunga Rafflesia Arnoldi, bunga ini memiliki kelopak 5 sehingga gubahan masa ini menyerupai bunga rafflesia arnoldi yang sedang mekar. 

Bangunan ini dikelilingi oleh reflecting pond sebagai symbol kejernihan. Didalam kompleks ini dibawahnya selain ruang-ruang rapat penunjang juga ada area perpustakaan maupun galeri yang merepresentasikan para mantan wakil presiden yang lalu. Pada bagian belakang istana kita mengajukan rancangan berupa taman bunga. Taman bunga ini merupakan ikon sebagai penyeimbang sekaligus memberikan respon yang positif untuk istana Presiden sehingga ikon bunga ini dapat dijadikan wahana bagi masyarakat untuk dapat menikmati taman ini yang merupakan representasi dari sejarah Indonesia sehingga Sky Garden  ini memiliki tema taman representasi taman tropis dari berbagai pulau di Indonesia sementara kuncup dari bunga ini merupakan lift  transparan menuju kepuncak dari bunga ini merupakan symbol kemajuan dari wakil presiden terdahulu wakil presiden Bj Habibie yang memiliki pemikiran dan kemampuan yang diakui dunia. 

Di titik puncaknya masyarakat dapat melihat kompleks Kawasan wakil presiden ini sekaligus istana presiden dari kejauhan sebagai symbol kenegaraan.


Para mantan wapres sebagai symbol wakil dari presiden merupakan orang orang penting, berpengaruh yang memiliki legitimasi dari rakyat. Sejatinya mereka memiliki berbagai prestasi maupun sejarah yang dapat di tunjukan dengan pembuatan Gallery maupun ruang perpustakaan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pelajaran bagi generasi baru juga agar masyarakat yang berkunjung dapat belajar dan meningkatkan apresiasinya. Contoh sejarah wakil presiden BJ Habibie yang menghasilkan hak paten di dunia penerbangan dan menciptakan pesawat udara perlu dibuat museum / gallery nya, kemudian Hamengkubuwono IX yang pernah menjadi wakil presiden memiliki peran yang penting dalam bernegosiasi dengan penjajah Belanda dan bagaimana perannya dalam transformasi dari pemerintahan Hindia belanda ke Republik, maupun cotoh Wapres Jusuf kalla sebagai negosiator ulung dalam mendamaikan berbagai konflik. Begitu juga Megawati sebagai ibu Negara yang pernah menjabat wakil presiden dapat diabadikan koleksi bunga yang terkenal sampai di Korea Utara. Oleh karena itu penciptaan Taman rakyat di belakang kantor wapres sekaligus sebagai penanda semangat baru di IKN ini.


Bangunan ini dirancang sebagai rumah kediaman bagi seorang wakil presiden sehingga rumah ini dapat merepresntasikan symbol-simbol arsitektur nusantara secara modern. Organisasi ruangnya mengikuti organisasi bangunan arsitektur tradisional Indonesia yang terdiri dari area lobby penerima, area ruang tamu penerima, terdiri dari lounge dan ruang-ruang meeting juga tempat tidur bagi para tamu. Keduanya terdiri dari dengan court yard. Court yard ini berisi taman tropis yang merepresentasikan taman-taman yang ada di beberapa Indonesia sehingga setiap ruangan yang ada mendapatkan pencahayaan matahari maupun perasaan dekat dengan alam. Pada bagunan rumah dinas juga dibuat konsep yang sama terbuat dari box dan didalamnya terdapat court yard dimana area ruang makan maupun tempat tinggal mengarah terhadap taman ditengah rumah ini. Bangunan-bangunan pendukung lainnya seperti ruang tamu berada tersebar di kiri dan kanan rumah meskipun terbuat dari beton berupa pilotis yang merepesentasikan arsitektur nusantara.


Bangunan ini terdiri dari 3 masa bangunan yang berorientasi smart office sekaligus green office yang menganut konsep open layout diatasnya rooftopnya menggunakan photovoltaic panel sebagai usaha penyerapan energi matahari. Disini juga disediakan podium deck sebagai ruang terbuka hijau dan fasilitas bagi seluruh karyawan. Ketiga masa bangunan ini memanfaatkan kontur yang ada menggunakan pilotis sehingga mempertahankan area hijau yang lebih banyak. Fasad atau tampak bangunan menggunakan kolom-kolom sebagai sirip untuk mereduksi panas matahari. Diantara sirip-sirip ini ditempatkan pot tanaman yang pada akhirnya menjadikan fasad ini menjadi green fasad. Diantara ketiga bangunan itu juga disiapkan arcade corridor yang menghubungan antar ketiga bangunan tersebut. Konsep in between bangunan dibuat inner garden sebagai pendingin Kawasan sekaligus komunikasi sosial antar karyawan. Disetiap bangunan ini disiapkan green corner. Green corner merupakan taman diatas atap yang langsung memiliki akses kedalam kantor utnuk memberikan kenyamanan alami.


Bangunan ini merupakan representasi dari seorang wakil presiden sehingga fasadenya terdiri dari kolom-kolom bangunan untuk menunjukkan kredibilitas dan kewibawaan untuk seorang wapres.Kompleks ini terdiri dari beberapa court yard (taman) yang saling menghubungkan bangunan satu dan lainnya. Khusus area kantor wapres berada di paling depan dan tertinggi sehingga dari dalam bisa melihat area istana wakil Presiden. Satu kompleks ini menggunakan konsep open layout dan semuanya menggunakan level deck hijau disetiap lantai maupun atapnya. Pada area entrance dibuat porte-cochere khas Indonesia merupakan grand entrance bagi para tamu dimana terdapat kanopi hijau diatasnya hal ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan kenyamanan bagi para tamu.


Bangunan masjid dibuat diantara kantor wapres dan kantor secretariat wapres dimana masjid ini memiliki akses mobil yang independent akan tetapi dengan mengaju kepada green building Indonesia bagi setiap yang kerja disitu orang dapat datang dengan berjalan kaki dengan jarak yang terjangkau kira-kira 100-200m dari kantor wapres maupun kantor secretariat. Bangunan masjid dibuat oval agar supaya menjadi satu tema dengan Istana dan bangunan ini merupakan mempersatukan gubahan masa disekitarnya.


Selain seluruh bangunan menggunakan green roof kita mencoba merancang berdasarkan kontur yang ada sehingga mengurangi metode cut and fill. Roofnya menggunakan green roof dan vertical garden. Semuanya sebisa mungkin menggunakan pilotis dan memiliki jarak agar bangunan yang memiliki aspek keamanan yang baik dan memiliki akses jalanan utama.


Konsep Struktur secara konseptual aalah Desain Kolom Kuat Balok Lemah atau yang kebih dikenal dengan istilah strong column weak beam concept adalah salah satu cara inovasi desain struktur dengan cara membuat sistem struktur yang fleksible yang mampu berdeformasi saat terjadi gempa (memiliki daktilitas yang tinggi) pada jenis perencanaan SRPMK (Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus). Persyaratan yang ketat pun harus dipenuhi, untuk menghasilkan struktur yang dapat berperilaku daktail secara  SRPMK sesuai dalam SNI 03-2847-2002 bab 23.3. dan SNI 03-1726-2012 

Konsep struktur secara prencanaan bangunan juga mengugnakan konsep pilotis dan compact. Konsep pilotis artinya struktur bangunan dibuat mengambang di atas tanah atau tidak menapak di dasar tanah sehingga memberikan ruang bernafas untuk tanah di bawahnya, sebagai ruang udara maupun resapan air. Konsep pilotis tersebut juga merupakan respon perencanaan bangunan untuk merespon kondisi site yang berkontur untuk meminimalkan intervensi langsung terhadap tanah asli, seperti perlakuan cut and fill sehingga dpat diminimalkan. 


Menggunakan pendekatan konservasi alam, konsep perencanaan system mekanikal mengedepankan konsep sustainability, dengan aplikasi Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Konsep sustainability didesain tidak hanya dilakukan secara aktif menggunakan perangkat-perangkat MEP, namun juga didukung dengan secara pasif desain bangunan yang merespon kontekstual tapaknya. 

Secara keseluruhan desain penghawaan bangunan untuk area-area spesifik menggunakan penghawaan buatan dengan AC namun penggunaan penghawaan buatan diharapkan bisa direduce dengan desain façade yang mereduksi sinar matahari.

Hal lain juga diaplikasikan di dalam konsep konservasi alam di dalam pengolahan limbah air di dalam site, dengan system dark and grey water, air di dalam site tidak hanya dimanfaatkan sekali buang, namun ada upaya reuse di dalam penggunaannya. Dikontrol oleh kolam retensi, pembuangan limbah air kotor ke kawasan mampu dikendalikan baik debit maupun keluaran dari air limbah tersebut yang menuju ke saluran kawasan.

Sistem utilitas kawasan juga didesain dengan memperhatikan aspek estitka, fungsi dan perawatan, dengan system box underground semua system mekanikal maupun elektrikal kawasan komplek wakil presiden dibuat di dalam tanah sehingga tidak mengganggu visual secara keseluruhan. Namun dengan system Box tunnel, memungkinkan adanya kemudahan di dalam perawatan perangkat utilitas tersebut, baik mudah secara akses maupun space untuk utilitas itu sendiri.


Pendekatan susunan radial pada penataan kawasan komplek wakil presiden memudahkan  layering untuk system keamanan, terutama untuk keamanan wakil presiden. Bangunan inti, yaitu istana Wakil Presiden berada di titik pusat kawasan sehingga dikelilingi dengan bagunan-bangunan penunjang yang secara tidak langsung menjadi banteng atau tembok ke bangunan utama. Walaupun secara protokoler tetap ada pengawal untuk wakil presiden, penempatan-penempatan bangunannya juga didesain berdampingan untuk kemudahan akses keamanan. Seperti bangunan paspampres yang secara zonasi berdekatan atau menjadi penghubung antara bangunan istana wakil presiden dengan rumah dinas wakil presiden. 

Penempatan area paspampres di antara dua massa banguna tersebut juga menjadi jalur evakuasi darurat untuk wakil presiden, di mana diantara dua massa bangunan tersebut terhubung dengan tunnel underground atau bungker menuju ke gedung paspampres, sehingga apabila ada keadaan kedaruratan bungker tersebut menjadi area penyelamata dan terhubung langsung pula ke heli pad yang terdapat di area atap bangunan paspampres untuk proses evakuasi. 

Friday, May 6, 2022

why competition on architecture is important ? Inspireli awards in CTU Czech Republic

I thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak in this international forum. I remembered that I visited CTU university in Prague almost every year for 4 consecutive years, except during the pandemic in 2020; I really enjoyed not only the hospitality of the university, but also the lectures and the students.  All of them demonstrated great spirit but also the appreciation of different cultures from Africa, the USA, Europe and also from middle eastern countries. I believe CTU in prague became an important university, bringing the international scholar to meet but also to celebrate the awarding ceremony and the workshop with the enthusiasm from students. But the most important thing was that the representative students from around the world could come together discuss the several aspects of the competition. The exchange of knowledge between us have been the greatest thing.

Personally, I believe the architectural competition at the Inspireli Award provides a forum for architectural students to actually dare to submit their work or student work on campus in order to get a more global review.

I feel that Karel's idea to create an international competition like Inspireli, shares the same ideals as the founder of Facebook. For example, when Mark Zuckerberg was a student at Harvard, he never thought that he would be this rich. He thought that the one major aspect to change the world would be how to socially relate to other people without limitations of space or geographical boundaries, so his idea was very noble for everyone – but we see that many try to clone or imitate his idea, yet his vision is to make himself rich and famous, even though Mark thought it was the result. Maybe Karel thought the same way about how to make an architectural competition for students with free registration and then look for the best jury from all over the world. This is an amazing job, I'm sure in the next five years Karel will be blown away by his network and passion from all over the world. I really appreciate working with you Karel.

The most difficult thing is actually the jury which consists of prominent architects from various countries who will determine the criteria and choose or give a score to the works of these students; the easiest is how they will prepare the killing picture as one of the imaginary images to attract jury.

The second is context and how they respond to that context. The third is how students can try to present a new typology in their work. The fourth is the design method, which involves how they can propose a design method in order to produce a new work and obviously includes the complexity of the analysis.

For a jury like us, we actually learn a lot from students with brilliant and extravagant ideas, who are able to offer comprehensive architectural and urban design proposals but also dare to attempt using various design strategies and new design methods, which is even supported by the latest technology.

So it's no longer important for students to use the latest parametric technology or use deluzian theory of abstract machine, but all of them neglected the climate, context, or social aspects of the project. The sustainable aspect of the material or system of building must be directly implemented in the project, so this aspect must always exist on every single project.

I am personally very interested in phenomenology, it’s an important aspect of philosophy. Historically we have experienced several phases after modernism, for example globalization, just like rem koolhaas theory of programming and density. But at this moment in time, we are facing new era in which the density on urbanism is no longer valid, and we have to face social distancing which is the new normal in which low density would be the right thing. The gated communities in several Asian countries has been developed since 1980-ies now it seems like the right thing also since they really take care of the gate and it has its own restriction. This is a new normal of new voluntary prisoners to do the right things. And I think the communism aspect is getting stronger and capitalism is becoming weak. We can see that all countries who have their own military education such as Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland all of them have easily survived to control the people and at the same time more capable of controlling the COVID-19 pandemic. Nowadays, we see that all of metropolis like New York, Paris, London, Rome all of them have been left behind by young people for cleaner, greener villages… it seems like the work from home trend can be extended and gain a good standing in society.

In the context of work from home, actually students are in the adaptation period where they have to adapt to a completely new learning system and method. In fact, the aspect of creativity can be grown from pressure or because of the encouragement of friends and the environment. I hope that in the future, the collaboration model of teamwork between students is no longer limited to their friends from the same campus – but beyond the definition of their own university fortress they can work beyond their own boundaries, collaborating between different universities with multi-cultures and multi-languages beyond geographical boundaries . So, I think we could learn from the disease that when we get pressure from the government not to do this or that, I think our own adrenaline of creativity has started to grow very well.

In a professional context, in Indonesia, we are struggling to get the architectural Competition under government organized, since they are not mature enough to make a very comprehensive brief but at the same time lack of vision. So almost all public buildings or government buildings are not well and systematically competed, due to a lack of training. My own office (BPA) always tries to participate in international projects, not to win necessarily, but to increase flight hours and at the same time, I hope that the system can be built and slowly grow into maturity to become more advanced. Perhaps this is a reflection of a third world country with a strong and nepotistic climate, with low competition.

Re Thinking post disaster Architecture by Budi Pradono

Re Thinking post disaster Architecture 

An opportunity for architectural intervention and innovation.

“Soul of Beirut” memorial day seminar 


By Budi Pradono


I would like to start by conveying the positive values gained from ​a bad disaster. I believe that following a disaster, we as architects are born with a positive instinct. The instinct to build something that will produce new and innovative solutions in responding to the disaster. 

In this decade alone, we have experienced many disasters.

Architects play a pivotal role in disaster mitigation and recovery after hazard events. Architectural design, then, serves to prevent or decrease destructive consequences of disasters on structures.

Quite recently, the ammonia explosion that occurred in Beirut was one of the triggers for change in the port security innovation system. This might also provide an opportunity for architects to create a new icon in this port to regulate new mobility to build a responsive architecture in the port. 

I can already envisage that the revitalization of this region will lift Lebanon back into its position as a prosperous country. I know Lebanon from the story about a fig tree that is strong and rooted deep into the ground, and its wood can be made into a strong building.

I am sure that the new net generation is ready to bring in a new spirit in terms of mobility, a new façade, or new urbanism.

Can architecture make a significant contribution to the city? 

Will this be is based on tolerance or negotiation? 

By conducting a study of several phenomena that occur in our urban culture, an architect is required to construct thoughts and summarize several disciplines (psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, social activists etc.) to provide comprehensive input for the improvement of the future of our city, and for the improvement of the future of our beloved Beirut Port. 

Moreover, at a time when the world's economic conditions appear to be deteriorating, amid uncertain political conditions, while the world is concurrently faced with the latest major environmental issues; regarding global warming, deteriorating ecology, urban density and poverty, or post covid-19 urbanism – we must prepare ourselves for the catastrophic events that lie ahead. Many architects behave opportunistically, ignoring relevant environmental concerns which has changed the role of architects as service providers only; providers of design services alone. 

I am particularly interested in new phenomena in our city life that exist due to advances in communication technology. At the same time, we are experiencing a new wave of globalization 4.0, also referred to as the post pandemic architecture. As the research based architectural firm I will ask myself or my studio member: 

Can architects play a bigger role in new agendas of change that go beyond the architectural domain? Who has a far-sighted vision?

It is important to note that there is not a single material that serves as a good fit for all kinds of hazards. For instance, research shows that lightweight and natural elements can increase the resiliency of buildings remarkably against some natural disasters, particularly earthquakes. However, they might not be the optimal choice for flooding – e.g., raw wood swells in water in the other hand, traditional wooden houses may not exhibit the same resilience against different types of natural disasters, such as floods or typhoons, as well as wildfires. In flood-prone areas, architecture can reduce disaster risks by employing materials highly resistant to floodwater damage, including damage caused by moving water. 

Ideally, new-built buildings should be built with a disaster-resilient architecture plan in mind.

What we could Learn From Disaster architecture

Ground zero of 9/11, New York

One of the new proposals of WTC 1 is The Bundle Towers (Designed by United Architects : FOA+GLK, KKA, IF & UN studio)

with a new high-rise typology. Indeed, the evolution of the high-rise has involved a process in which the tubular structures are kissing the skyscraper. 

The Bundle Towers, then, engage with the building mass, rather than just with the distribution of the structure along the perimeter of floor plates. It is assembled as a bundle of interconnected structural tubes. 

I believe this kind of architecture can provide innovation beyond disasters.

Later on our proposed tower in Manhattan was V tower, which is for

start-up companies, and this tower also offers a new typology 

The Manhattan island is divided into the city grid and have no choice to develop horizontally, the island is destined to extruded on every land making it a place that collects various forms of towers. Since 1909 every inch of the land is contested and made an experiment about a vertical city. This vertical city group mutates programmatically until it reaches its most competitive point of commercial value. Manhattan produces the skyscraper as a symbol of the victory of capitalism. When two twin towers were destroyed by a deliberate raid by a pilot of architecture graduates, it may also be an attempt to destabilize the existence of this skyscraper building.

The V tower is an antithesis to a new challenge engine where it offers a mutated skyscraper and has merged with public space. This tower will provide a wider public space on the ground floor. On the highest floor of the 32nd floor is a collection of space with a terraced like a staircase is a green public space and in between the separated tower we provided an oval sky terrace. On each floor facing the public spaces it has been greened as an oasis of tropicality above the altitude. It becomes a new tropical garden in the sky.

On each floor can accommodate an affordable and convenient place for start-up offices, which they can rent this place while utilizing the green area in a way. The elevator will be in three sections connected to the sky lobby. The tower is like a piece of an inverted pyramid, a V that has a sky terrace at the top.

Hurricane Katrina 2005

Hurricane Katrina in 2005 devastated parts of the United States along the Gulf Coast. The herculean hurricane was moving toward New Orleans, Louisiana state, with winds reaching 235 kilometers per hour, accompanied by very large waves. The entire area she passed was ravaged, taking numerous lives. At least over 200,000 square kilometers of territory in the south-eastern United States was hit by Hurricane Katrina and was included in the category 5 storm, which had the potential to cause havoc. After the disaster came architectural innovation with Brat Pitt, who proposed housing of make it right from contemporary architects such as Adjaye, Frank Gehry, mvrdv etc – they made such a new direction building with pole and it is a collection of beautiful houses.

Our studio proposed a wooden tower in Durban Africa; this wooden tower is a modular honeycomb structure comprised of wood with a very flexible specific joint system. This effort is an innovation in system structure and programming. So this building has the flexibility to move and withstand wind storms.

Floods in Jakarta

Jakarta floods occur every year, and in 2013, there were about 240 km of land affected by floods with 48 people dead as a result.

Our studio proposed the Fluid scape city, which has been exhibited at the Aedas Berlin in 2013. It attempts to respond to these catastrophic floods by creating a new ‘smart city’ and in turn establishing a new business district and residential area. Combining a series of Archimedes screws with solar and wind powered fans, the new system not only serves to regulate the water level in the reservoir, but can also treat it to serve and irrigate the neighboring regions. The city consists of office towers, modern apartment buildings and a vertical urban farm, which supplies organic food to the surrounding area.

The waterfront area will not only become a tool for educating people about the importance of the water as a resource for everyday human life, but it will become a highly desirable destination, with a series of promenades and public spaces allowing people to enjoy the area once again. 

From some of the examples above, I believe that Catastrophic is an opportunity for architects to rethink our role and revive the Region. This is the right time for architects to rethink the future of our city, the future of the port of Beirut. By understanding their culture, its history, and new technology – I am sure that all students of architecture will become the new generation, triggering the government of Beirut to Rethink their own port in their own beloved city.

New-built buildings should ideally be built with a disaster-resilient architecture plan in mind.