Friday, March 1, 2013

Glass Pavilion karya Moneo Brock Studio di Cuenca, Spanyol

Moneo Brock Studio, dari Madrid, Telah berusaha merehabilitasi lansekap natural di perbatasan Jucar dan sungai Moscas dengan menghadirkan "Forest of steel and glass" atau human kaca dan metal. dengan 23 module pentagonal menjadikannya mediator antara urban fabric dengan menggunakan fragmentasi material arsitektur untuk mengartikulasikan taman teater geometri. Dengan site seluas 35 hektar ini, permainan baja-baja truss nya dan dikombinasikan dengan kaca telah menyatukan landsekap, sinar matahari, dan interaksi manusia di sekitarnya. 

All images by ake Lindman

madrid-based moneo brock studio has sought to rehabilitate the abandoned natural landscape bordering the jucar and moscas rivers with a forest of steel and glass. the 'glass pavilion' fits the historic spanish city of cuenca with an ice-skating rink, performance space, bars and restaurants, all under the cover of faceted abstractions of the surrounding woodlands. the 23 pentagonal modules act as a mediator between the encompassing thicket and the urban fabric, using the fragmentation of architectural materials to articulate the geometrical theater of the park. a crystalline exterior belies the overlayed truss-work appreciated under the cover of the open-plan space. the 35 acre site becomes a locus of activity, filtered by the complex compositions and transformative volumes of light the shelter permits. glass of varying opacities completes the unification of landscape, sunlight 
and human interaction.

Via designboom 

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