The Temporary Pavilion by Matthias Loebermann
Temporary Pavilion [C] Space in London

Designed in collaboration with Alan Demsey , [C]Space is the winning entry in the AADRL10 Pavilion Competition. It is an advanced technology concrete structure that was erected in Bedford Square London in March 2008 to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of the Design Research Laboratory Graduate Design Program at the Architectural Association.

The jointing system in the pavilion exploits the high tensile strength of Fibre-C using a simple interlocking cross joint which is tightened by slightly bending each element as it is locked into consecutive cross elements.

Consultation with the Fibre-C technical department in Austria has suggested that a flex of 15-20mm per metre can be applied without affecting the structural performance of the material. The appearance of small micro cracks on the surface is mitigated by using lighter material colours and a Ferro finish. The pavilion is fabricated from curved profiles that are nested on standard 13mm flat sheets and water cut. Once delivered to site the entire pavillion can be constructed by hand.
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